4 Reasons to Love Green Space Development In London
Working collaboratively for the first time one community of London’s most high level residents, businesses and visitors have articulated a specific desire to develop the area, in a bid to secure its position as the nation’s most desirable spot for business, tourism and luxury living.
While this development is set to take many forms, it’s the focus on green spaces throughout London that are set to make the biggest difference to the lives of its residents; here are five reasons to get excited about the Mayfair redevelopment, as it looks to kick-start other boroughs into similar initiatives.
- The developments support major, mental health-related research
Work to develop Mayfair’s green spaces aligns itself with recognised connections between access to nature and mental health and wellbeing; mental distress, anxiety, depression, greater wellbeing and cortisol profiles being great examples.
This research, carried out by UK based mental health charity MIND and The University of Essex, suggests that eco-therapy (of which time spent in green spaces is a powerful example) is a positive form of treatment for 94% of people who wish to improve their mental health. The focus on mental health has advanced over the years as there is a need for a better support system, that is why areas such as this are being created, this also means that there is more backing behind alternative therapies such as CBD from websites like https://blessedcbd.de/cbd-oel, so people have advanced options to treat their mental health.
Eco-therapy can include anything from access to a horticultural development programme supervised by a therapist to a simple walk in the park, being outdoors and engaging in physical activity.
- The restoration of the gardens will encourage tranquillity
A distinct desire to encourage tranquillity in such a bustling, central location, underpins plans for the future of Mayfair. Tangibly, this will mean landscaping, an assessment of accessibility and usability; a focus on the character of space; moves towards reduced noise pollution and conservation work.
It’s particularly interesting to note that as early as the 19th century, public green spaces were designated in direct response to the belief that they would provide health benefits. In recent years both access and engagement have been negatively impacted as a direct response to global urbanisation, so a move to re-emphasise the restorative properties of the squares and gardens is to be celebrated.
- Green space development will help tackle future mental health predictions
The World Health Organisation predicted that depression will be the second greatest cause of ill health by 2020. Currently, this amounts to 1.6 trillion worth of mental health-related spending. By acting early to develop green spaces, something MIND has suggested should be considered at an architectural and town planning level, there is hope that Mayfair residents will benefit from the positive impact of green spaces, a movement that Mayfair Forum leader Peter Wetherell, a Mayfair estate agent, can’t help but praise.
- Mayfair’s best-known squares and gardens will be at the heart of the development
Luxurious parts of London that used to be the haunt of big business is being transformed and being put back in the public eye. Making up the core of Mayfair’s green spaces are Grosvenor Square, Berkley Square, Mount Street Gardens and Hanover Square, with Brown Hart Gardens emerging as a similarly loved piece of land. These squares and gardens have historical significance for Mayfair and, as such, are a much-loved feature for many residents. Having seen a change in their use, layout and upkeep over recent years, it’s exciting to know that they’ll be at the heart of Mayfair developments.