A Guide to a More Energy-Efficient Home

DATE: Jan, 1   COMMENTS: 0   AUTHOR: Allan Azarola

Humans of the 21st century are blessed to be living in an era dominated by innovative technologies. Our mobile devices, and the apps we’ve installed on them, make it easier to live our lives with greater efficiency. Still, many people hesitate when it comes to living a greener life.

Energy efficiency means using less energy for the same job. It results in a reduction in energy waste – and if you don’t care about that, it saves money. You need to become aware of how you use energy, where you waste it, and to learn tricks towards increased efficiency.

If each person made one eco-friendly change, the sum would change our impact on Earth. If you’re willing to do so, even if it’s only to save money, you’ll make a difference. Let’s take a look at some things you could do to make your home greener.

Temperature Regulation

One of the most significant ways people use more energy than necessary is for heating and cooling their homes. Luckily, there are intelligent ways to reduce energy waste.

Upgrade the Windows

Old windows may need either an upgrade or a replacement. Still, remember that it’s never cost-effective to replace windows only to save energy. Instead, go for improvement. Weatherstripping storm windows are cost-effective and help with the energy-efficiency of your home.

Insulate Walls and Attic

When your home is well-insulated, it slows the rate of heat entering and leaving the house. Blown-in insulation is your best bet here if your walls lack any insulation. Unfinished attics also do much better with an insulation upgrade. You can rarely do this yourself, so find a contractor who knows how to install insulation. 

Plant Around the House

Older homes with poor insulation can see many benefits from smart landscaping, especially when guided by a skilled Landscaping contractor. By planting shrubs and shade trees strategically around the house, you can effectively block direct solar radiation during the hot summer months. This approach can not only help in maintaining a more comfortable indoor temperature year-round but might also contribute to energy efficiency. Additionally, it enhances the aesthetic appeal of your property.


Once you deal with the foundation of your home, it’s time to take a look at various energy-expanding systems. If you’re shopping for new appliances, look for those with the HE logo.

However, few of us can afford entirely new sets of appliances. Instead, follow these rules to make the ones you already use more efficient.

Don’t Overuse Appliances

Even if your appliances are already energy-efficient, overusing them is not a good idea. Turning them on and off over and over again uses more energy than necessary.

Unplug Charging Cords When Not in Use

Believe it or not, passive devices consume power, so try to switch them off when they’re not in use. Things such as electronics that are at a full charge, or chargers that aren’t plugged into anything, both use energy.

Printers and microwaves are good examples. Also, if you plan to be away for a while, unplug everything you can, including your fridge. 

Program Your Thermostat

Most homes come with thermostats, and most thermostats can be programmed. Reduce the heat used when you’re away, as well as in rooms you don’t often use if you live in a big house.

Smart Tweaks

If the changes mentioned above are impossible at the moment, for the lack of time or money, it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do. With these smart tweaks, your home will see an improvement in energy-efficiency.

Make a Compost Pile

If you live in a house, have a backyard, and a garden, starting a compost pile is a great idea. All you need to do is separate your organic waste and leave it to decompose. It will serve as fertilizer while reducing the amount of trash you produce and puts nutrients back into your garden.

Get Rid of Your Washing Machine

Singles or couples could save a lot of electricity and water, plus space, by getting rid of their washing machine. Your town may have a laundromat that would be cost-effective to use, and there are apps such as Shinepay, that make paying to use the machines a breeze.

Install Low-Flow Showerheads

Most conventional showerheads use up to 5 gallons of water each minute, while low-flow ones use less than half. Your water bill and Mother Earth will thank you.

Switch to Propane

Switch to propane in your household and experience the benefits of this efficient, clean-burning fuel. Reliable propane delivery services, such as those offered at payneoil.com, ensure that this fuel is readily available, making this an easy switch. Propane offers high energy content, meaning you use less fuel while getting more heat and power. This efficiency leads to lower energy bills and reliable performance from your heating systems, water heaters, stoves, and dryers. Plus, it burns cleaner than many other fuels, reducing emissions and contributing to a healthier, more eco-friendly home. That said, if you are interested in sourcing propane, you can check out the site of Sea Breeze Propane or similar companies that deal in this fuel.

Replace Incandescent Bulbs

Your old, incandescent light bulbs have seen a drop in production ever since 2014. It may be time for you to invest in LED, CFL, or halogen bulbs. They last for longer and are more energy-efficient.

The Bottom Line

Remember – your home is made up of smaller interconnected systems. Go on to make changes over time, to see a significant change in your utility bills. These small tweaks will save the planet while saving you some green. 

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